泌尿肿瘤科 前列腺癌

泌尿肿瘤科 前列腺癌


在新加坡,前列腺癌是男性第二大普遍癌症,也是全球第五大死因。 前列腺癌的风险随着年龄的增长而增加,尤其是在 50 岁以上的男性中。 值得庆幸的是,前列腺癌是可以根治的。如果及早发现,根治的机率非常高。

前列腺是位于膀胱下方核桃大小的腺体,负责产生精液。 它是受雄性激素睾丸激素的控制。 前列腺癌是异常细胞不受控制的增殖,而导致恶性肿瘤。


如果处于早期阶段,前列腺癌不会引起任何症状。 到了晚期,您可能遇到的症状包括:

  • 晚上尿频
  • 排尿困难
  • 排尿速度减少
  • 排尿时用力
  • 尿血
  • 精液中带血
  • 排尿不尽的感觉
  • 骨痛和体重和食欲下降


如果您遇到上述任何症状,您应该去看医生。 此外,50 岁以上或有前列腺癌家族史的男性可能需要找泌尿科医师以讨论有关前列腺癌筛查。


前列腺癌可根据治疗后复发的风险进行分类,分为低危、中危、高危或极高危前列腺癌。 风险分类取决于以下因素:

  • 前列腺特异前性抗原 (PSA)
  • 癌症的临床分期
  • 格里森评分——衡量癌细胞侵略性的指标。 分数越高,癌细胞越具有侵略性。 一般来说,6 分表示低侵略性癌症,而 8-10 分表示高侵略性癌症。



● PSA < 10 纳克/毫升并且
● 格里森评分 <7 并且
● 直肠指检正常或可触及的结节,涉及不到前列腺 1 叶的一半


● PSA 10-20 纳克/毫升或
● 格里森得分为 7 或
● 直肠指检可触及的结节占前列腺 1 叶


● PSA > 20 纳克/毫升或
● 格里森评分 > 7 或
● 可触及的结节涉及前列腺双叶


● 肿瘤超出前列腺并入侵周围结构或
● 盆腔淋巴结受累


目前尚不清楚导致前列腺癌的原因。 但是,某些情况会增加患前列腺癌的风险。 前列腺癌的危险因素是:

  • 年龄较大:年龄较大(50 岁以上)的男性患前列腺癌的风险较高。
  • 前列腺癌家族史:男性家庭成员被诊断出患有前列腺癌或女性家庭成员被诊断出患有乳腺癌可能会增加您患前列腺癌的风险。
  • 动物脂肪含量高但纤维含量低的饮食:观察性研究发现,动物脂肪含量高的“西方饮食”通常与患前列腺癌的风险有关。 虽然其确切原因尚不清楚,但它可能与导致前列腺癌的代谢和细胞信号通路的改变有关。
  • 吸烟:香烟含有有毒化学物质,会影响循环激素水平。
  • 接触镉:在工作中经常接触镉的人(即金属和电池、电子产品和塑料的制造)患前列腺癌的风险更高。
  • 人乳头瘤病毒 16 (HPV-16):研究表明 HPV-16 病毒会导致基因突变,从而增加患前列腺癌的风险。



前列腺癌 可以通过一系列测试来诊断,例如:

  • 直肠指检 (DRE):直肠指检是一种身体检查,通过将戴手套且涂有润滑剂的手指插入直肠以检查前列腺。 将触摸前列腺以确定其质地、大小和形状是否有任何异常
  • 前列腺特异性抗原 (PSA) 检测:抽取血液样本,分析其 PSA 水平,看它们是否在正常范围内。
  • 超声波:将一个小探头插入直肠,用超声波观察前列腺。 但是,除非癌症是处于晚期,否则超声波对于检测前列腺癌是不可靠的。 在超声检查期间,可以采集组织样本用于进一步分析。
  • 磁共振成像 (MRI):医生可能会使用 MRI 捕捉清晰的前列腺图像。 可以识别前列腺中任何异常区域以进行活组织检查。


有一种血检可以帮助医生估计前列腺癌的可能性。 血液中异常高的 PSA 水平可能因为前列腺发炎、感染、肿大或癌症。

请务必注意,PSA 水平升高并不一定意味着您患有前列腺癌。 您的泌尿科医生可能会进行进一步检查或活组织检查加以确诊。


无需准备。 但是,如果您有任何疾病,例如痔疮或肛裂,请告知您的医生,因为这些情况可能会导致检查过程中出现不适。




主动监测包括密切监测癌症的进展。 这有助于避免不必要的治疗,进而避免治疗相关的并发症,例如勃起功能障碍和尿失禁。 对于低风险的早期前列腺癌,可能建议进行主动监测。 主动监测包括定期验血、直肠检查和前列腺活检,以监测癌症的进展。 如果癌症有进展的迹象,将及时给予治疗。



  • 根治性前列腺切除术——这种外科手术涉及切除整个前列腺和精囊。 如果有扩散,也可能切除周围的淋巴结。 这可以通过开放式、腹腔镜或机器人辅助手术来完成。 使用腹腔镜或机器人辅助手术等微创方法,手术切口更小,恢复更快、更少的并发症和更早的出院。 一般而言,患者可在 2 至 4 周后恢复正常活动。 可能发生的长期并发症:勃起功能障碍、压力性尿失禁、射精时无精液。 因此,年轻男性可能需要考虑辅助生殖技术,例如精子采集。
  • 放射治疗 — 放射治疗涉及使用高能量射线或粒子来杀死癌细胞, 并结合短期激素治疗。 整疗程大约 8 到 30 次,具体取决于辐射计划。 放射治疗适合麻醉风险高的患者或有多种病症的老年患者 可能的长期并发症:可能的并发症与手术类似。 一些患者在放射治疗后可能会出现大便或尿液反复出血


晚期前列腺癌是指已经扩散到其他组织或器官的癌症。 治疗方案包括

  • 雄激素剥夺疗法 (ADT) — ADT 的目的是抑制体内睾酮水平并减缓前列腺癌的进展。 ADT的疗程是通过定期注射药物或手术切除两个睾丸的方案。 在大多数情况下,ADT会与新型激素药物联合使用。


  • 化疗


  • 对症治疗 — 症状的处理取决于癌症扩散的部位。 这可能包括镇痛药或放疗以缓解症状。


可以的。如果及早发现和治疗,前列腺癌是可以治愈的。 早期诊断意味着早期治疗并提高完全康复机会。 研究显示,被诊断患有早期低度和中度前列腺癌的男性的 5 年生存率为 95-99%。 当前列腺癌扩散到身体的其他部位时,这个百分比下降到 31%。


与普遍看法相反,机器人辅助手术并非由机器人独立完成,而是由经验丰富的外科医生通过控制台引导机器人完成整个手术过程。 与传统技术相比,机器人辅助可为外科医生提供更好的视像、灵巧性和控制。

此外,机器人辅助手术允许使用小切口进入难以到达的区域。 这会降低并发症的风险并缩短恢复时间。


前列腺癌 is known to be one of the most common cancers in men. Although different individuals may experience different symptoms, most do not have any symptoms at all (especially in the early stages). But there can still be a number of warning signs that one must be aware of, such as:

  • Elevated serum PSA (prostate-specific antigen) levels
  • 血尿(尿中有血)
  • Urinary symptoms (e.g., frequent urination, poor or weak urine flow, sensation of incomplete emptying of the bladder, urinary hesitancy, etc.)
  • Unexplained weight loss and loss of appetite (often noticed in advanced stages of prostate cancer)
  • Bone pain (usually occurs when the cancer has spread to the bones)


In addition to these symptoms, some patients may also experience symptoms such as pain and numbness in their legs and other parts of the body, a new onset of erectile dysfunction, and blood in the semen. Therefore, if you experience  any of these warning signs, it is important to consult an experienced prostate specialist 在新加坡 to assess you thoroughly so that treatment can be started right away.

Prostate cancer in Singapore is one of the most successfully treated cancers, especially in its early stages. If this cancer is diagnosed and managed early, the prognosis tends to be more favourable. Most prostate specialists in Singapore may use a series of investigations to help them confirm the diagnosis. These tests typically include the prostate-specific antigen blood test (PSA), digital rectal examination (DRE), ultrasound scans, and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).

Active surveillance plays an integral role in prostate cancer treatment in Singapore (low-risk cancers). For more aggressive prostate cancers, the management plan will depend on the grade, stage, and risk classification of the cancer. Treatment usually involves surgery and radiation therapy, which is  beneficial in treating localised cancers. The main treatment for prostate cancer is radical prostatectomy and it involves removing the entire prostate gland, including the seminal vesicles. If needed, the lymph nodes may also have to be removed.

This procedure may also be carried out laparoscopically or by robot-assisted surgery. However, it must be noted that not all surgeons can perform 机器人手术; only a 泌尿科医生 who has been trained with the necessary skills can carry out this procedure.

Unfortunately, yes. If the cancer is detected late or left untreated, it has the potential to become life-threatening. However, this is not the case for most prostate cancers, as they usually grow slowly and stay confined to the prostate gland. These patients usually have a very good chance of survival if 治疗 commenced promptly. However, those with more aggressive types of prostate cancer may find that the cancer spreads quickly, making management challenging especially in the advanced stages. These cancers will require prompt radical treatment in the form of surgery and/or radiotherapy for the optimal outcomes. Therefore, it is vital to consult a urologist with the experience of treating such advanced cancers.

Prostate cancer in Singapore is the second most commonly diagnosed cancer in males and is typically seen in those over the age of 50. It also has a significant mortality rate, especially for untreated cases in their advanced stages, emphasising the need for early detection and treatment. When it comes to the life expectancy of a person with prostate cancer, those with low Gleason grades are expected to have a 5-year survival rate of over 95%. Conversely, patients whose cancer has spread (metastasised) may have lower survival rates.

The Gleason score is a measure of how aggressive the cancer cells are, and they are graded on a scale of 1 to 5. However, each area of the prostate cancer assessment may have different scores, so the pathologist will examine the cancer cells to determine the most common grades and these will be added to achieve the final score. For instance, if an individual’s largest area with cancer is Grade 3 and another large area indicates Grade 4, the Gleason score for this sample would be 3+4=7. The higher the score, the more aggressive the cancer is. A score of 6 would denote a non-aggressive type of cancer, while a score of 8 and above will indicate that the person may have a highly aggressive form of prostate cancer.

As mentioned previously, the survival rates for localised prostate cancers in the early stages are considerably high. According to data obtained from the American Society of Clinical Oncology, the estimated survival rate for 10 to 15 years after treatment ranges between 95% to 98% (for localised cancers). Although the survival rates for those with distant metastasis (spread to other organs) aren’t usually favourable, aggressive treatment may help them survive their condition for more than five years. 

Need more information? Reach out to our team at Assure 泌尿外科和机器人中心 today and book an appointment with one of the finest and most reputed prostate specialists in Singapore.


癌症对大多数人来说是非常可怕,但早期发现和治疗,前列腺癌是可以治愈的。 如果您怀疑自己可能患有前列腺癌,请去看泌尿科医生,或者如果您患前列腺癌的风险较高,请定期进行筛查。
