When to Seek Medical Attention for Kidney Stones

Kidney stones are hard mineral deposits that form when substances in the urine crystallise. While smaller stones may pass naturally, larger ones can block urine flow and cause pain, infections, and complications. Timely medical attention is crucial to prevent worsening symptoms and kidney damage. Fortunately, various treatments in Singapore can effectively manage kidney stones, making early intervention key to reducing discomfort and health risks.

Memahami Batu Ginjal

Kidney stones form in the kidneys when minerals and salts crystallise in the urine. Their size can vary from tiny grains to larger stones that could obstruct urine flow and cause significant pain. These stones develop when the urine becomes too concentrated, allowing mineral deposits to cluster instead of being flushed out. Here are the types of kidney stones:

  • Calcium Oxalate Stones (75–90%): The most common type, composed of calcium and oxalate. They form when oxalate levels in the urine are too high. Oxalate is a natural compound in many foods, including fruits, vegetables, and nuts.
  • Calcium Phosphate Stones (6–13%): Calcium phosphate stones develop when urine is too alkaline. They tend to grow faster and bigger in size than calcium oxalate stones.
  • Uric Acid Stones (5–20%): Uric acid stones are formed when urine is too acidic, often due to a high intake of purine-rich foods like red meat, poultry, and eggs. Pure uric acid stones are not visible on standard X-rays.
  • Struvite Stones (2–15%): Struvite stones are composed of magnesium ammonium phosphate. They are also associated with upper urinary tract infections and can grow rapidly.
  • Cystine Stones (0.5–1%): A rare type caused by cystinuria, an inherited condition that leads to excess cystine in the urine, resulting in recurrent kidney stone formation.

Why do Kidney Stones Occur

Common Causes and Risk Factors

  • Dehydration: Not drinking enough water may lead to concentrated urine, increasing the likelihood of crystal formation.
  • Dietary Choices: High salt, sugar, and protein intake raise the risk of stones. Too much sodium causes excess calcium in the urine, which can precipitate to form kidney stones.
  • Medical Conditions: Gout, hyperparathyroidism, and urinary tract infections can make kidney stones more likely.
  • Obesity and Lifestyle: Being overweight or inactive affects how the body processes minerals, increasing the risk.
  • Certain Medications: Some drugs, including diuretics and calcium-based antacids, can contribute to stone formation.

Who is More Likely to Develop Kidney Stones?

Certain groups of people are more likely to develop kidney stones than others. Men tend to have a higher risk compared to women, and the condition is often seen in adults between the ages of 30 and 60. Genetics also contributes to kidney stone formation, as individuals with a family history of kidney stones are more prone to developing them. Additionally, those who have had kidney stones before are at a higher risk of experiencing recurrences. Understanding the risk factors can help individuals prevent the formation of kidney stones. Taking simple preventative measures like staying hydrated and eating clean can lower the chances of developing kidney stones.

Recognising Symptoms of Kidney Stones

Common Symptoms

  • Sharp pain in the lower back or abdomen: Kidney stones may cause pain in the lower back, which may come in waves and intensify as the kidney stone passes the urinary tract.
  • Painful urination: Many individuals experience a burning sensation or discomfort while passing urine.
  • Darah dalam urin: The urine may appear pink, red, or brown due to irritation and damage caused by the stone.
  • Mual dan muntah: Severe pain or a urinary blockage can trigger nausea and vomiting as the body reacts to the distress.
  • Frequent urge to urinate: A stone located near the bladder may cause a persistent need to urinate, even when little urine is passed.
  • Demam dan menggigil: Rising temperature may indicate an infection requiring immediate medical attention to prevent complications.

Mild Discomfort vs Severe Pain

Small kidney stones may pass on their own with sufficient hydration. However, severe pain, vomiting, fever or difficulty passing urine signals the need for medical attention. Knowing when to seek medical intervention can prevent further complications.

Types of Kidney Stones Treatment in Singapore

The treatment for kidney stones depends on their size, number, and location. Small stones often pass naturally with increased water intake and pain management. However, larger or multiple stones may require medical intervention to prevent complications.

Urologists may recommend Medical Expulsion Therapy (MET) for smaller stones. This involves medications to relax the urinary tract, making it easier for the stone to pass. Oral chemolysis may also be prescribed for certain stone types, helping dissolve them gradually.

For larger or more persistent stones, several treatment options are available:

When to Consult a Urologist in Singapore

Seeking medical help for kidney stones is essential, as delaying treatment can lead to complications. Severe and persistent pain that does not improve with pain relief, blood in the urine, or symptoms like fever, chills, and nausea may indicate an infection requiring urgent care. In more serious cases, an inability to urinate or severe pain accompanied by vomiting could signal a urinary blockage, increasing the risk of kidney damage. A medical evaluation is necessary if symptoms persist for several days despite home treatment. Timely intervention ensures effective management, reduces health risks, and promotes a smoother recovery.

Consult with an Experienced Urologist at Assure Urology & Robotic Centre

If you or your loved one is experiencing symptoms of kidney stones, do not wait for it to get worse. Consulting with a urologist can help prevent complications and ensure appropriate treatment. Schedule a consultation at Assure Urology & Robotic Centre, led by Medical Director and Senior Consultant Urologist, Dr Terence Lim.


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