膀胱癌是指膀胱内癌细胞异常且无法控制的生长。根据新加坡泌尿外科协会的数据,膀胱癌在新加坡是第七大常见癌症,并且在男性中更为常见。虽然膀胱癌可发生在任何年龄,但男性的中位诊断年龄为 69 岁,女性的中位诊断年龄为 71 岁。如果患者处于早期阶段,可以及时开始膀胱癌治疗,预后良好。
膀胱癌的症状通常与尿路感染 (UTI) 或膀胱结石的症状相似。膀胱癌的一些症状如下:
膀胱癌有五个阶段——0 至 4 阶段。分期对于指示癌症的位置、范围以及扩散(转移)的程度至关重要。
一旦诊断出膀胱癌,医生就会对肿瘤进行分期。癌症分期很重要,因为它有助于确定癌症侵入膀胱的深度或癌症在体内扩散的程度。 这将决定 膀胱癌治疗 计划以及患者的预后。
膀胱癌有多种亚型,但 三个主要 是 如下:
这是指排列在膀胱内部的一种薄扁平细胞。 它们通常是由于长期留置导尿管、膀胱结石或某些寄生虫感染引起的慢性膀胱炎症或刺激所致。
在新加坡和其他地方,腺癌是一种非常罕见的膀胱癌,占所有膀胱癌的 1-2%。膀胱腺癌可分为两种类型——原发性腺癌和继发性腺癌。原发性腺癌(源自膀胱)通常出现在膀胱的穹顶,并与脐尿管残余物(胎儿发育过程中膀胱从脐区下降到骨盆的路线)相关。另一方面,继发性腺癌比原发性腺癌更常见,通常是由于远处器官转移或盆腔恶性肿瘤(例如结肠癌)引起的。
不。虽然 保持 在 你的 尿 不会导致膀胱癌, 它会让你面临发展的风险 指沿尿路尿道发炎。 以及其他问题。 癌症本身是由体内细胞基因突变引起的过度活跃和过度的细胞繁殖途径引起的。
您的泌尿科医生将详细记录您的病史并进行身体检查,以查找您腹部是否有任何肿块。还可以进行某些诊断测试, 例如:
TURBT 是一种切除膀胱肿瘤的手术,通常在全身麻醉下进行。它被认为既具有诊断性又具有治疗性,因为它用于诊断、分期和治疗早期膀胱癌。
While some patients may not show any symptoms at all, there are a few warning clues that may indicate a diagnosis of 膀胱癌. Bladder cancer symptoms 可能 mimic those of a urinary tract infection (UTI), and they may include the following:
Some patients may also experience urinary symptoms like frequent urination, nocturia (frequent urination at night), and a weak urine flow. Advanced bladder cancer symptoms can also include fatigue, swelling in the feet, and bone pain.
The first sign is usually haematuria, and in some cases, patients may only present with this symptom. At times, haematuria may even disappear for a period of weeks or months. Haematuria is typically classified into two categories: gross haematuria and microscopic haematuria. The former type is visible to the naked eye, while the latter can only be viewed under the microscope. This is because the red blood cells are too small to be seen with the naked eye.
However, it is important to note that the presence of blood does not necessarily mean that the patient has bladder cancer. But, as it can be a sign of bladder cancer, it is advisable to consult an experienced Senior Consultant Urologist like 林诗杰医生 to carry out a detailed assessment.
Yes, it is highly treatable if detected in the early stages. While there are several management options, the 膀胱癌治疗 will depend on the type, stage, and grade of the cancer. The primary treatment for bladder cancer is surgery, but this may depend on the health and fitness of the patient. In some patients, surgery alone might be sufficient to treat the cancer, but some may need other treatments (or a combination) like radiation therapy or immunotherapy to treat it successfully.
Here are some of the common surgical treatment approaches:
Transurethral Resection of Bladder Tumours (TURBT): This procedure involves the use of an endoscopic instrument known as a resectoscope that is inserted into the bladder through the urethra to remove the tumour. As this procedure can be used for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes, your urologist may also take a tissue sample for further analysis. This is essential to confirm the diagnosis and to determine the grade of the tumour and the extent of invasion.
Cystectomy: This surgery is useful to remove all or part of the bladder that contains cancer cells. In a partial cystectomy, as the name suggests, only a portion of the bladder is removed with the aim of preserving the bladder. A radical cystectomy, on the other hand, is performed when the entire bladder and the surrounding lymph nodes need to be removed.
In addition, when the bladder is removed, an alternative pathway to pass urine out of the body will be required; this is done with the help of a urinary diversion. For bladder cancers in Singapore, urinary diversions are usually carried out either through an ileal conduit or a neobladder.
This surgery can also be performed by a robotic-assisted procedure that involves robotic technology in treating 膀胱癌. 林诗杰医生 has a subspecialty in Uro-oncology and is frequently asked to mentor his colleagues and subordinates for his expertise in 机器人手术. As a veteran robotic urologic surgeon, Dr Lim has been involved in over 700 robotic surgeries.
Bladder cancer is the 7th most common cancer in Singapore, and it is more commonly found in men than women, with a median age of diagnosis of 69 for men and 71 for women. As mentioned before, if detected early, the prognosis is quite good, typically resulting in enhanced survival rates. While the survival rate will depend on a number of factors, including the stage and grade of the cancer, the relative 5-year survival rate is over 90% for early-stage cancers and less than 10% for Stage IV bladder cancers. If the tumour is invasive with no metastasis (localised bladder cancer), the expected 5-year survival rate is around 70%.
The rate of the spread is determined by the type, grade, and stage of the cancer. In general, the later the stage and the higher the grade, the faster it will spread. While bladder cancers like adenocarcinoma and sarcoma are aggressive, the cancer spread can be prevented by 膀胱癌治疗 if presented early. Low-grade bladder cancers, on the other hand, spread at a much slower pace.
林诗杰医生是泌尿外科高级顾问,他较擅长泌尿肿瘤学专科。 他是安顺泌尿外科中心 (Assure Urology & Robotic Centre) 的医疗主管。 他的临床兴趣包括泌尿肿瘤学、微创与机器人辅助泌尿外科手术、泌尿结石病和前列腺健康。
在开办顺泌尿外科中心之前,林诗杰医生在公共医院工作了近 20 年。 他曾担任樟宜综合医院(Changi General Hospital)泌尿外科的高级顾问,副教授和部门主任。 他目前是的樟宜综合医院客座顾问。 林医生曾是樟宜综合医院先进外科中心的主任,该中心主要处理复杂手术(包括机器人手术)。
林诗杰医生是泌尿外科高级顾问,他较擅长泌尿肿瘤学专科。 他是安顺泌尿外科中心 (Assure Urology & Robotic Centre) 的医疗主管。 他的临床兴趣包括泌尿肿瘤学、微创与机器人辅助泌尿外科手术、泌尿结石病和前列腺健康。
在开办顺泌尿外科中心之前,林诗杰医生在公共医院工作了近 20 年。 他曾担任樟宜综合医院(Changi General Hospital)泌尿外科的高级顾问,副教授和部门主任。 他目前是的樟宜综合医院客座顾问。 林医生曾是樟宜综合医院先进外科中心的主任,该中心主要处理复杂手术(包括机器人手术)。
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